Roadmap Edition 2 now available

The second edition of the environmental law textbook Road Map to Environmental Legislation, was released in March 2005. The book is aimed at making South Africa’s complex environmental legislation, which is contained in more than 300 laws and legal measures, more accessible to environmental practitioners, the planning professions, the authorities, students and other interested parties.

Environmental law and management are dynamic and fast-growing disciplines. The intention is therefore to publish an updated edition annually that will include the latest available information. The book starts with a road map that leads the reader step-by-step to the legal measures that apply to a specific environmental field or problem. This is followed by frequently used extracts from important environmental legislation. Some of the extracts contain or illustrate important environmental management principles. Others are included because they are used so regularly that it is convenient to have them readily at hand. It is followed by a comprehensive list of laws and regulations. The next section deals with international conventions and a short explanation of South Africa’s commitments in this regard. Lastly, guideline documentation and selected reported cases are provided to demonstrate how environmental legal principles are applied in practice. The reader is also referred to other sources that can be consulted if further information is required.

Management fields covered are environmental governance, water and air quality management, noise pollution, visual degradation, radioactive emissions, light pollution, waste and energy management, mineral exploitation, agriculture, forestry, nature conservation, heritage protection, planning and just administrative action.

The compilers of the book are Duard Barnard, Francois Friend, Hendrik Visser and Christa Barnard; who are all active in the environmental field and could contribute different perspectives on environmental legislation.


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